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Piano ostinato with melody played by low piano notes with somber high muted strings and soft percussion hits. Builds up to the piano repeating the ostinato and low melody, but with brass and strings doubling the melody, with low orchestra and epic percussion hits underneath
Electronic background music. Sweeping synth sounds, various dynamics of drums and bass. Useful for backgrounds, corporate, commercials, TV themes, documentary.
Weather Thunder Slow Attack
Footsteps Leaves Male Barefoot Scuff
An oneiric soundscape with arpeggiated guitar and sustained notes over a repeated bass riff, culminating into an emotional solo. Subtle percussion like shaker and finger snaps create movement that drive the tune forward
Middle Eastern soundscape, featuring East West instrumentation... imagine riding a camel thru the desert
Strings with organic synth sounds and vocalisations. Middle Eastern flavoured soaring melodies played by the strings blend with low drones and synth pulses to convey feelings of journeys to distant places and the vastness of our world. Perfect for travel documentaries with aerial shots
Footsteps Marble Male Sneakers Walk
Epic orchestral inspirational track
Footsteps Parquet Female Heels Scuff
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Music Tracks is a community that tends to unite people, forming bonds that might not exist otherwise. It connects different cultures, promoting diversity and growth. Independent labels and artists, focus on what you do best—creating the music —while we focus on the rest.